The Mindpower Podcast with Stéph & Shay

Navigating Life's Crossroads: Unlocking the Power of your 3 Ps

Stéphane & Shalee Schafeitel Episode 69

Ever been at a life crossroads, unsure of which path to take? You're not alone. In our latest episode, we unlock the power of the 3 Ps - Principles, Passion & Purpose. These guiding concepts provide clarity, helping you make decisions that align with your Big Effing Goals.


Hey podcast listeners, Stéph & Shay here, inviting you to join us for a transformative adventure like no other. Mark your calendars for June 27-29, 2024, and meet us at the beautiful Sawgrass Marriott Golf Resort & Spa in Ponte Vedra Beach, Florida, for Mindpower Breakthrough Live.

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Speaker 1:

So remember, with the three P's, that purpose is where you are going and why you are here, where your passion is how you're going to get there and your principles are how you're going to behave along the way, along the journey. Yep, so that's the three P's, and the three P's are the blueprint to building your best life and the roadmap to getting your dream life.

Speaker 2:

Super important. It will answer the question what do I do? It will answer the question what do I do?

Speaker 1:

Yeah, you know, whenever you come to like a crossroads right or a fork in the road where you're just like I've got this way or this way that I could go, I've got, you know, this opportunity or that opportunity and you don't know which way to go, if you ever came to us and said Steph Shay, what do I do? We would say pull out your three P's and size them up. Size them up against these opportunities and see which opportunity is in alignment with your three P's.

Speaker 2:

So we had Meryl who contacted us. She's one of our elites and she contacted us it was earlier this week and she was saying I have this opportunity and I don't know what I should do. Let me just totally detail this opportunity for you. So she detailed, you know, this opportunity, this business opportunity, and she's like it'll require about 15 hours of my time and it'll pay this. Do you think this is a good opportunity? Should I take it Now?

Speaker 2:

I could have said yes or I could have said no, but then I'm answering her based on my three P's. And so, as we know, you know the old proverb and as the proverbial saying says, you can fish for the man and he can eat one single meal, or you can teach the man or woman how to fish and they can eat for their whole lifetime. And so I always have that in the back of my head as a mind power coach and we teach that to our mind power coaches in the coaching academy is truly guiding them, not doing the work for them, not answering the question for them, but guiding them. It'll answer the question. What should I do?

Speaker 2:

It's if you, you know, say that you had a bracelet or shirt that said you know, what would Steph and Shay do, right? Let's just say honestly, the answer would probably be if you asked that question, you could hear Shay or I saying it to you would be check out your three P's, evaluate this against your three P's. Or we would say what do your three P's tell you to do? Because anything in life, once you have this clearly lined up and laid out in detail, it will answer what should I do? You won't need to ask us what should I do Now. You can come to us for more elaborate, complex type of consult. But if it's just what should I do, your three P's will tell you exactly what you need to do, because it's who you are.

Speaker 1:

It's where you're going.

Speaker 2:


Speaker 1:

And how you're going to behave along the way.

Speaker 2:


Speaker 1:

And so when you do that now, you have the answer that came from your neurology Yep, and you're congruent with it. If we just gave you a, you should do this or you should do that, and say that person takes that opportunity. Well, they might not fully be congruent with it, yep, and they might be doing it because they think it's best based off of what we're saying. And this could be anyone in your life, right? This could be referring to your spouse, your partner, your mom, your dad, your best friend, right? Like? You need to do what is best for you and what you wholeheartedly are congruent with, and the best way to find that out is through your three P's.

Speaker 2:

Okay, here's a fun universal. How many of you have ever had somebody tell you to do something over and, over and over again and you didn't listen to them? And then there came a point where you came up with the same idea yourself. You listened to yourself and then you did it. How many of you have ever experienced that? Yeah Right, welcome to life.

Speaker 1:

That's because, finally, it came from your neurology.

Speaker 2:

It came from you.

Speaker 1:

This is what I'm going to do.

Speaker 2:

It came from you.

Speaker 1:


Speaker 2:

Yeah, people, people, they do what is of interest for themselves, right, and so this hopefully you're starting to gather this this gift right here will be one of the most impactful things that you will ever use in your life, as having lined up who you are, why you're here, you know where you're going, how you're gonna get there and how to behave on the journey. You review this on a daily basis, every single morning. After you do your morning routine for mental toughness, which we'll talk about in module five, you do this right after that.

Speaker 1:

Literally, it's telling you how to behave like what to do that day what to do that day, how to behave where you're going. You can use this on the macro of your whole life and you can use it on the micro of your day to day.

Speaker 2:

I review my three Ps right after I do my morning routine because it's a reminder to myself of what I should be focusing on and what I should be doing today. Because it's it's I look at my purpose first to make a positive impact on this world. Okay, cool, let me make sure everything I'm doing today will do that. That's, that's, that's what goes through my head and, by the way, that that doesn't have to be your purpose. We have a good good. He's now a good friend of ours, was a client, has become a really really close friend. He's a director of all training for Michelin North America, the tire company, but all divisions car, motorcycle, formula One, truck, mining, construction, off-road, everything and good, good, good, good friend and his purpose. So you get that it might not be as big as ours, like mine, to make a positive impact on the world.

Speaker 1:

Shay's to is to help people be the best version of themselves possible.

Speaker 2:

His to make somebody smile every day. That's it Doesn't have to be as macro as like Shay in mine. That's not his, it's not his purpose, it's not his, it's not why he's here. He just he says if I, if I can make one person smile today, I'm fulfilling my purpose. He says, even if that person's at a gas station and I don't know him, it's like, hey, I hope. He says I love telling people, I hope that you have the best day ever and they smile and he goes purpose fulfilled. I say that so that you get that. Purpose doesn't have to be making a positive impact on the world. Unless it is, you have to decide what it is for you.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, it could be one person, it could be your family, it could be your partner, your friends, your kids, whatever, whatever. That's just one example. It could be so many different things.

Speaker 2:

So I look at my purpose make a positive impact on the world Okay, cool, let me make sure what I'm doing today is is in alignment with that. My passion, okay, what's my passion mantra? That everything that I do, I will do it with excellence on a scale of one to 10, at a 13. And that I will also do this for my family, including Shay Bastion, bear our family to I also our dream team, which is like our extended family. We couldn't do it, we couldn't make a positive impact on the world without our dream team and then our mind power community. That's all of you right. That that's my passion mantra. So in the morning I'm looking at that going. Okay, let me make sure I'm doing everything with excellence on a scale of one to 10, at a 13, and that I'm keeping all of these people that are important to me in mind. Am I giving enough gratitude to our dream team? Am I telling them how much I appreciate them enough? Am I like I start thinking about all this stuff? Am I showing them how much I care about them, their families and how they're doing in their life? So I'm starts to create that fire within me and a motivation. By this point, I'm like bouncing and vibrating and like I'm ready to be done with this exercise because that's what a passion mantra will do.

Speaker 2:

And then I look at my principles. You're pretty easy For me in life. It's pretty easy. It's health and fitness, it's wealth and it's impact Pretty simple. So I'm looking at it like am I focusing on my health and fitness? Am I building wealth? And that, by the way, wealth is not just money. Relationships are a bigger part of wealth for Shay and I than money. And then impact Are we making an impact in everybody's life that we touch? Ok, and then I'm looking at what are my big goals? I'm looking at my life goals and I'm reviewing those life goals. Those are the big, big, big goals. And then we're not there yet. We'll get there in module six.

Speaker 2:

The last part of this little exercise is I'm reviewing my 10-year, my five-year and my one-year BEGs. This is what we call in mind power coaching. We call it a mind powered life plan, right, jen? Something that we do with all of our private clients, and it's what makes mind power coaches one of the most elite coaches group of elite coaches in the world. So we review all this. By the way, I know it took us a while to explain all that. It only takes me about three minutes to review. So I do my morning routine, breathing gratitude goals. Nine minutes, promise you. When you do that, already starting I mean already tomorrow you can review your three piece every morning. Everything will flow for you macro flow, state, maximum congruence you will be operating. If you can keep this every single day, you will operate a Tom Brady level performance. I kid you not.

Speaker 2:

The reason Tom Brady is Tom Brady? Because he's one of the most consistent, disciplined football players that has ever hit the field, ever. There's a great story of a rookie that came in and was his first opportunity to work with Tom Brady and he showed up at the gym at 6.30 AM and this was in New England. When Brady was in New England and Tom Brady saw him and he says good afternoon. The rookie was like what the f? Seriously, 6.30. Oh yeah, he's got a little smarter.

Speaker 2:

The next morning he came in.

Speaker 2:

It was 6 o'clock. Tom Brady said good afternoon, smiled at him. I mean, I'm coming in earlier, are you kidding me? Ok, I got it. I'm going to try and put a 5 on the clock. 5.45, he comes in.

Speaker 2:

Tom Brady said good afternoon, good afternoon, says it a second time, and Tom's, this rookie is like gosh. And then he really, at that point, realized how things were around there and what was expected. And so at that point he then started coming in at 5 o'clock every single morning, every single morning, because he understood what was important in terms of excellence and discipline and consistency. If you can get your morning to be dialed in I mean without anything affecting it, nobody getting in the way you will be unstoppable. You'll win the day. I'll tell you, shay and I aren't the smartest, we're not the most talented, but we are more disciplined and more consistent than anybody. We know that are our peers, except for maybe our mentor, darren Hardy, but anyone else we don't know. Anybody that says discipline is us, to be honest. And so what we're trying to instill within you is this truth, this knowing that the late Jim Rohn talked about years ago that really you have to have consistent discipline. Consistent discipline is the key to your success.