The Mindpower Podcast with Stéph & Shay

How To Increase Your Stress Threshold

Stéphane & Shalee Schafeitel Season 1 Episode 70

Ever imagined how grit and discipline could completely revolutionize your life? Strap in as this episode takes you on a journey through the power of resilience, the import of stress thresholds, and the role of discipline in achieving success. We'll dive into the world of elite military programs like the Navy SEALs' BUD/S Training and the Army Ranger School, deciphering the essence of their training modules that heighten an individual's stress threshold.

This episode is an invitation to enhance resilience, increase your stress threshold, and leverage discipline for success. So, are you ready to take the leap?

If so, find out how by going to


Hey podcast listeners, Stéph & Shay here, inviting you to join us for a transformative adventure like no other. Mark your calendars for June 27-29, 2024, and meet us at the beautiful Sawgrass Marriott Golf Resort & Spa in Ponte Vedra Beach, Florida, for Mindpower Breakthrough Live.

This isn't just an event; it's a turning point in your life, a chance to break through the barriers holding you back and unlock your true potential.

Curious to learn more? Dive deeper into what this life-changing journey entails and secure your spot by clicking here. Don't miss out on this opportunity to transform your life. We're excited to embark on this journey with you.

Your future self will thank you for this! See you in Florida!

Speaker 1:

So each time you're developing yourself within, I will say the field of mind power, your stress threshold increased a little more, and so what does it mean when we talk about stress threshold?

Speaker 2:

I will tell you and.

Speaker 1:

I'm not corning out any certain type of people or generation or culture, nothing. It doesn't matter if an individual is 15 years old or 50 years old. But I will say, today a lot of individuals have very low stress thresholds. Shane, I've seen an individual downtown outside of the Starbucks literally dropped their mocha frappuccino skinny swirl, sprinkles, whatever, and start crying, broke like had a existential crisis.

Speaker 2:

Like a meltdown.

Speaker 1:

And had a meltdown, almost as if they were like two years old. That's what we would call a very low stress threshold, like a spilling of their coffee causes them to have an existential crisis. And then you have some individuals where they spill their coffee and they go yeah, I probably wasn't supposed to have that anyway, maybe I'll go get a cup of green tea, or they just utilize it. That's somebody with a high stress threshold. They find meaning and purpose and everything in life. They would operate off of the old adage what I learned from my pop long time ago, which was everything happens for a reason. Be resilient, right. So you are experiencing what it means to be resilient. You are increasing your resilience. As you're increasing your resilience and increasing your mental toughness, you are also increasing your stress threshold. Things just don't bother you like they used to.

Speaker 2:

And the compound effect is taking into place here. You already had probably your own level of stress threshold previous to all of this, and then you utilize these tools, you let go of the running parachutes and the compound effect, in the positive way, is growing and growing and growing in your benefit, in your resilience.

Speaker 1:

So all of you can experience this phenomenon too, what it means to be resilient, what it means to have an increased stress threshold. So there's one thing at play. There is the fact that every single time that you're developing your emotional resilience and your mental toughness, you're increasing your stress threshold. By the way, two of the most elite training programs that exist on the whole planet to help people with their stress threshold would be Bud's training, which is the training that Navy SEALs go through, and then also Ranger School, which is what Army Rangers go through.

Speaker 1:

These are elite military personnel and the reality is the main focus of that program and purpose of that program and goal of these programs is to increase somebody's stress threshold. So that why? Because if they jump out of an airplane, oxygen assisted, at 25, 30,000 feet, and then they deploy their parachute at like very low altitude, just enough altitude for them to be able to stop the velocity so they don't turn into a pancake onto the ground, and then, on top of it, have to go and hike for 50 clicks and then go into battle, well, they wanna make sure that they are pressure testing people way early on to see who washes out. They call it who rings the bell as what they call it inside Bud's training, and the reality is also to increase their stress threshold bit by bit by bit by bit by bit by bit by bit. Right, and so the reality is they're hoping to push people up or push people out. All of these elite training programs. By the way, mind power breakthrough is the same thing.

Speaker 2:

It's like a mind power boot camp.

Speaker 1:

It's like a mind power boot camp. We are pushing people up or pushing them out. There's a percentage of the population that come into mind power breakthrough. They can't hack it. We've had individuals that have gone through BUDS training Navy SEALs go through our program and say there is no program like this in terms of helping somebody with their emotional resilience. None, and they said, not even BUDS training helps an individual to get clear on what their negative emotions are and their limitations. What we call running parachutes eh.

Speaker 2:

They just have to figure that out on their own and work through it on their own. It's between them and them, yeah.

Speaker 1:

And then you know, staring their own demons in the face and deciding if they're gonna hug them or run from them. You know our metaphor about that you have to turn around and hug your demons. You can never run from them to make them go away, they'll just chase you faster, right. And so we've had individuals that went through Ranger School that became an Army Ranger successfully say there's nothing out there that helps somebody with their emotional resilience, their mental toughness, in a comprehensive way that's safe and that's smooth and easy on the consciousness, like Mind Power Breakthrough. One of those is our very own coach, colonel Paul Jensen. And so I'm saying this not to impress you all, but to impress upon you, those of you that have taken Mind Power Breakthrough or that are gonna take Mind Power Breakthrough I'm telling you you are experiencing an elite level training program that took Shay and I over 12 years to develop and to fine tune and to perfect. That is for the purpose to safely, smoothly and easily increase your mental toughness and your emotional resilience. Okay, so that things don't bother you Now, remember the Mind Power Planning System, right From Module 5, understanding the full system of doing the Mind Power Planning System, with the jam sessions and the breaks and the three priorities every day and the weekly MVPs and the daily MVPs, and it all lines up with your big F-ing goals and which lines up with your life goals. And it's in alignment with your three Ps, your principles, your passion, your purpose, and so understand that this is what it means to be on the path to mastery.

Speaker 1:

Remember, at Mind Power Breakthrough we talked about mastery. A lot of people they want success, but very few will prioritize mastery. It's just the reality. Mastery is how to create success that's sustainable, longstanding, that sticks, that stays. And for most people, the Mind Power Planning System kind of makes sense the first time it really makes sense. The second time, third time, they're like I got it right. So your unconscious mind knows the power of prioritization. Think about that for a minute. It knows the power of prioritization. So the phenomenon we call the phenomenon strategic forgetfulness, where the unconscious mind starts to understand what's important and what's not, and what it will do is sometimes block information to your conscious mind that's not in alignment with your three P's or your big F in goals.

Speaker 2:

And it's not truly a priority for you.

Speaker 1:

And so also know that too, that the reality is. Sometimes forgetfulness isn't a bad thing. Let me give an example. I take vitamins every day. I mean a whole little cup of vitamins, supplements and whatnot for biohacking purposes and longevity purposes. So there are some days where I flat out forget to take my vitamins. I just forget, and I used to be like, oh God, I forgot my vitamins. But these days I'm like, oh, I probably forgot for a reason. My body probably had enough saturation of those vital nutrients that I just didn't need at that day, and probably my unconscious mind ensured that I didn't look at it, I didn't see it, I didn't even think about it, because it has that power over the conscious mind so that I would strategically forget about it.

Speaker 2:

Now I would be careful with this, because some people might say well, I forgot to go to the gym, that must mean that I don't need it.

Speaker 1:

No, no, no, no, no, no, no. You have to be at a high, exactly. You have to be at a high level of discipline and already knowing thyself and knowing that you're disciplined in doing all the things, and then start to actually understand the difference between you actually not doing it and you should have and it being what we like to call strategic forgetfulness.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, yeah.

Speaker 1:

And that's a good disclaimer, a very important disclaimer. Yeah, don't use it as a crutch and as a compound.

Speaker 2:

I think once in a while for forgetting something. Yeah, then you're okay. Well, it wasn't maybe a priority, but if it's an everyday occurrence, then you probably need to do some work there.

Speaker 1:

Here's one thing you can do is retrospectively look back and look at the workload, taskload, project load of that day and see what did you accomplish and 10 bucks says, even though I'm not a betting man, 10 bucks says that I bet you that the other things were much higher priority than the thing of which that you forgot about in the microcosm, meaning in a bubble of that day.