The Mindpower Podcast with Stéph & Shay

The 5 Keys to Unparalleled Success

Stéphane & Shalee Schafeitel

In this special episode of "The 5 Keys to Unparalleled Success," we bring together the most potent principles for achieving extraordinary levels of success and influence. In just one episode, we'll journey through the five essential keys that have propelled the world's most successful individuals to the top of their fields:

  1. Knowing Your Outcome: Delve into the significance of having a crystal-clear vision and setting definitive goals.
  2. Taking Massive Action: Understand the transformative power of bold and decisive actions in turning aspirations into achievements.
  3. Mastering External Awareness: Explore the art of perceiving opportunities by being acutely aware of your surroundings and the people in them.
  4. Behavioral Flexibility: Learn about the importance of adaptability and resilience in the face of challenges and change.
  5. Physiology and Psychology of Excellence: Discover the critical role of harmonizing your mental and physical well-being for sustained success.

This episode is packed with insights, practical strategies, and inspiring stories designed to empower you to take control of your destiny. Whether you're a budding entrepreneur, a professional aiming for the next level, or anyone in between, these keys offer valuable guidance for navigating the path to unparalleled success. Join us for an enlightening journey and unlock the doors to your full potential.


Hey podcast listeners, Stéph & Shay here, inviting you to join us for a transformative virtual adventure like no other. Mark your calendars for February 6-8, 2025, and get ready to break through your mental and emotional barriers and maximize your potential at Mindpower Breakthrough!

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Speaker 1:

Have you ever heard the saying success leaves clues? Yeah, well, we've studied some of the most, as you know, most successful people in the world and what we found, where they've mastered a lot of things, but there were in terms of impact and influence over others. Right, there were five things that we kept noticing and that kept popping up over and over and over and over again.

Speaker 2:

Right, Number one. Number one was they knew their outcome.

Speaker 1:

So important.

Speaker 2:

Right, you've got to know what your outcome is, to know where you're going, right.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, you need to know where you're going. To know where you're going. This is important. You have to begin with the end in mind. So important and so that's key. The most successful people in the world knew their outcome the late Steve Jobs. He said, man, and he was in the Mind Power State, by the way, yeah, what we call the Mind Power State. He called it zoning out and he was like what if I could create a gadget where you could surf the web, you could check your email and you could also listen to any song you wanted to? What if I create a device that had all of that?

Speaker 2:

And make phone calls.

Speaker 1:

And make phone calls is an added bonus, and that the first iteration this is not an iPhone one, obviously, but that's how he came up with the iPhone literally was using Mind Power State but thinking about an outcome. His outcome was that one device has all of these things. You have to begin with the end in mind. I know we know this, but it bears repeating and remember we need to be reminded more than instructed.

Speaker 2:

Number two Number two they take massive action.

Speaker 1:

Late, kobe Bryant didn't take a little bit of action.

Speaker 2:

He took massive action.

Speaker 1:

His parents said that there was oftentimes he disappeared, but all they heard was a banging in his room and they would go up into his room after hearing this consistent, repetitious pattern banging in his room for hours Let me repeat that, Hours. And there he was dribbling his basketball as a kid for hours in his bedroom. In his bedroom Massive action. Not practicing for 15 minutes a day, hours a day, that's massive action. So the most successful people in the world don't take tiny bits of action, they take massive, massive action.

Speaker 2:

Number three, Number three they have mastered external awareness.

Speaker 1:

They can read other people and they can also read their environment and they can tell what's happening in their environment and they're able to see enough in their periphery Again, Mindpower State comes into play here that they're able to see opportunities and see how their goals are coming to fruition. Too many individuals approach life with a narrow mindset and then foveal vision.

Speaker 1:

Perpetual foveal vision, as we talked about before, and so you have to really have your eyes open. I can't tell you the amount of clients that came to Shay and I say and I didn't get my goal. After working with you, we do a laundry list with them of everything that they have experienced, and we're able to connect the dots on how that was the goal that they achieved. They just weren't able to see it because they weren't aware enough, and so you have to have a mastery of external awareness in terms of not only being able to read others, but reading your environment.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, and to know, if you're not on path or you've gotten off path just a little bit, how to course correct to get back on your path.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, it's kind of like this Listen, who's ever heard the saying that luck is when preparation meets opportunity? Who's ever heard that saying? It's true, but I think it's incomplete. You know what Shay and I feel? We feel the reason it's incomplete much like why the freaking law of attraction is so incomplete is because there's no mention of action. So it's when preparation meets opportunity and you take massive action. So when preparation meets opportunity and you take massive action, but there's more, you have to be in a perpetual mind power state, so that you can notice when it's happening or not happening.

Speaker 1:

So you can see the opportunity. Yeah, even before that Thumbs up, if this is making sense. This is so important. I will tell you, the most successful people in the world are in perpetual mind power state, by the way, literally and metaphorically speaking, just looking for opportunity. So important Number four they have behavioral flexibility. If we could give you all a gift, the gift would be for you all to have the flexibility of a kid, of a child, of a baby.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, they don't get their. You say you're at the mall shopping with them and they want a toy from the store and you say, no, not right now. And then they throw a tantrum in the middle of the mall and then you give them the toy, and then not saying that this is good parenting skills, I'm just saying this as an example. And then they're happy.

Speaker 1:

They're happy, happy.

Speaker 2:

They go from unhappy to happy, just like that.

Speaker 1:

We saw it with Sebastian yesterday Hungry, got hangry Right and and literally it was, we were we were not at five like I would say a level five meltdown, we'd say probably level one, level two caught catching it early, got him some of his favorite new food, which is like this oats and blueberry mixture thing that he loves, and literally like ear to ear smile, and I mean in seconds. Can you imagine if we had the ability, like a kid, to go from a negative state to a positive state literally in seconds?

Speaker 2:

Most adults. They wake up on the wrong side of the bed and they stay there for 10 years. They stay there for 10 years just grumpy right, having no behavioral flexibility no ability to flex into a positive state right, so we could learn a lot from kids in terms of behavioral flexibility.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, number five.

Speaker 2:

They operate from a physiology and psychology of excellence.

Speaker 1:

Man. It drives Shay and I nuts to see so many individuals in the development arena. Yes, I know they're doing the best they can of the resources they have, but I will say that they have a psychology of excellence and their physiology sucks. And I'll tell you I'm not. I'm not shaming them. Let me be clear. I'm I'm upset, I'm sad. Why? Because these are great minds that don't take care of their body and they're not going to be around for a long time.

Speaker 1:

I think of Chet Holmes, who is a great individual. I don't know if anyone knows who that was. He ran Tony Robbins business arm called BBI, which is his business consulting arm, and unfortunately he didn't take care of his health and he's no longer with us and probably left his planet. He was a huge impact agent and he probably left his planet at least 30, if not 40 years earlier than he should have and could have if he made his vessel a priority. You had the late Jim Rohn said at best. He said there's nothing more pitiful than a ready and willing mind but an incapable body. Period, full stop.

Speaker 1:

We strongly recommend every individual thinks about where health and fitness is in your life values. Yeah, very, very, very, very important. And so still, let's go more abstract. For an individual truly to create success, they're going to have to have that integration of psychology and physiology of excellence. Very important Doesn't mean that everybody's got to be a gym rat and be in the gym every single day, but literally, at some, in some way, shape or form, they're making their body a priority, sure, and they're taking care of their body.

Speaker 1:

My dad was he. He had a short bout that he was in the gym, but what brought my dad peace and what was his meditation was bike riding. And I mean, when he was 75 years old 75 years old would still just go out for a 20, 30 mile bike ride. Good job, made his body a priority, very, very, very important. And my dad didn't pass away because of anything to do with the health issues, unfortunately, a kind of a freak accident. So so these are the five things. So the most successful people in the world know their outcome. They take massive action, they have mastered external awareness, they have behavioral flexibility, and I mean to the max. And, and on top of it, they operate from a physiology and a psychology of excellence. Most successful people are doing it. Yep, you should do. Why wouldn't we? Why wouldn't we? So now I want to dive deep into the external awareness part for a minute, because this is really, really, really, really important.

Speaker 2:

So Paolo Coelho, the author of the Alchemist, says whenever you want to achieve something, keep your eyes open, concentrate and make sure you know exactly what it is you want. No one can hit their target with their eyes closed.

Speaker 1:


Speaker 2:

It's a great quote.

Speaker 1:

Super, super, super important. Put that in the chat room. So, like we talked about earlier, you have to have your eyes open and looking out to know what the opportunities are, to know what's going on in your environment.

Speaker 2:

And and and. It's a balance. Right, because you don't want to get distracted by every shiny object, right? So it's about having that awareness to know to look for the opportunities, but then also keep in mind what your focus is and keep on your path without getting distracted by everything that shines out there. Right, it's balance.

Speaker 1:

Which is why, going back to the first principle for success, when we when we talked about knowing outcome, right.

Speaker 2:

When you know your outcome, then you know what to, what's an opportunity for you and what's not.

Speaker 1:

So why is the number one key to mind powered success? Let me let me explain, just so that you get this from a psychology standpoint. A lot of you know that Shay and I aren't into kind of the airy fairy, new agey approach to things. No, knock on that, it's just Shay and I wanted to bring substance and form to the ambiguous and I think a lot of you have noticed that about us like we're about process or about step by steps, or about how, demystifying things and making it less magical and more giving it the how, the substance to form, because then we find that people usually use it. So so there's something called pattern recognition. That's happening from a psychology standpoint.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, very good, alden, we have a reticular activating system, which is a network of neurons in our brainstem that's designed to go out and look for a match for something that we've seen before. Now talk about that. Remember. The mind can't tell the difference between something it sees, something remembers or something it imagines, because the same neural networks are firing. By the way, it's just. This is just neuroscience, and so so the reality is, if we don't program our RAS with new movies, of what we want then we will replay an old movie of what we had in the past.

Speaker 1:

This is why you all have heard the story of us working with a client and she goes I don't want to date, you know jerks anymore. But she didn't say jerk, she said something that started with an A and ended with a whole. And she said you know, I just don't want to know, like well, how many of you dated. And she was like, well, how do you know? It's been more than one. I said, well, I'm just, I listen. You said jerks, plural, and it sounds like there's a pattern here and you're also here to see us to improve. So, and she was like at least a dozen were like, ok, well, what do you want instead?

Speaker 2:

You're really good at that.

Speaker 1:

You're really good at creating jerks Right so so so the reality was is she never programmed Pay attention here she never programmed her razz with what she wanted, instead what she wanted.

Speaker 1:

Instead, she. All she did is kept replaying the old movie. And the. Here's the deal. You have to outweigh all of these old movies with a lot of repetition. What matters is the repetition. The repetition is key to the new neural networks forming. This is very important. So now let's go back to what we were talking about before. If somebody's dated a lot of jerks and they've got all these movies of jerks, well, man, she's going to have to spend a lot of time programming her particular activating system.

Speaker 2:

On the contrary, Right, because there's already a neural pathway formed that goes out to find jerks, Like it's just. That's already a really deep form there.

Speaker 1:

It's like the Autobahn in Germany. Yeah, no, seriously, I mean 200 kilometers an hour, wide open. It is a very fortified, solidified, strong neural pathway, right, okay. So what did we have her do? We said what do you want instead, and she goes. Well, I want a handsome guy A nice guy. I want someone who cooks for me.

Speaker 2:

And she goes, opens doors for me.

Speaker 1:

That's funny, that's kind, that's loving, that talks to me in a nice tonality, never screams. We're like well, what do you want instead of screaming? I don't want you to focus on the screaming. Talks to me, kindly Good. And we said keep going. And she went. Well, I could do this for days. I said I want you to, and she goes, so I'm going to run out of paper. I said here's more paper. This is back when we saw clients physically. She was like okay, and she came back a little time. I think it was two, three weeks later I was like I got a problem. Okay, what's the problem? Well, I found two guys that meet all of these criteria Criteria.

Speaker 1:

I said, well, okay, I mean, at least you have choices here. And she goes. And I was like I mean, you know, some people would say that's not really a problem. She goes. Well, I don't want two guys, I want one. I wasn't suggesting that, but it's okay that your mind went there. I said I'm just saying most people would be okay with having options. And she went, oh oh sorry, she goes. I thought you were suggesting something different.

Speaker 2:

I don't know which one to choose, so I said get more specific.

Speaker 1:

Just get a few more pieces of paper and say this is also what I want. Think about all the negative traits of who you had before and then say what do I want instead of these traits from this jerk? Get more specific. She narrowed it down to one. Less than six months later there's a shotgun wedding, got married Happily ever after. This is very long time ago. This person is still with that person today. We coached this client probably 11, 12 years ago, yeah, and we know that they're still happily married today with kids. What did she have to do? Put new movies program new movies into the reticular activating system. So now pattern recognition goes out and looks for a match for something it's seen before, but not in past, but in imagination.

Speaker 2:

Yes, and then she had to go take massive action Then had to go take massive action.

Speaker 1:

By the way, side note that process. Right, there is a way to create your ideal client avatar.

Speaker 2:

Which we'll talk about later in the course.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, it's the way to create your ideal mate. Those of you who are still searching.

Speaker 2:

Your ideal career, your ideal, your ideal kids. Home.

Speaker 1:

Guess what Shay and I did. What do we want in an ideal kid? Yeah, yeah, and I'm not talking about like design, human engineering, like I'm talking about from a behavioral standpoint. Well, you get what you expect, right? So we're just sat down and we're like we just want a kid. That this is while Shay was pregnant. We want a kid that'll sleep. He's been a phenomenal sleeper, sleeps 10 hours a night and even as an early baby, three shifts and then moved to two shifts and then one shifted a very early age. We said we want a kid that is strong, resilient. So you get what you expect, and so that process of getting very detailed is something, by the way, you can do yourself, but also you will do with anyone you work with as a Mind Power coach in any context where they're trying to create what they want what they want terms of a job, a person.

Speaker 1:

what have you?

Speaker 2:

So important. Most people don't know this is possible. They just think they get what they get, when, all actuality, you can design what you want in life and people need help understanding that's possible. They don't believe that that is possible. So you'll have many, many, many opportunities with your clients to empower them to know this is how to create what you want, and though we suggest you all do it for yourself first, so you see the power in it, you see how to do it, so then you can replicate that with the client.

Speaker 1:

Someone has asked us actually many people have asked us if it ever gets boring designing your life to be the way you want it to be and it happening that way. And I said no for a couple of reasons. Number one I think it's pretty darn cool to move in a direction of what you want and a lot less of what you don't want. Number one, number two and depending on your beliefs, your clients beliefs, what have you, shay, and I do believe in God and what we've always experienced is that we are blessed magnitudes in terms of how it's manifested and how it's created in our world, in the physical plane, far beyond our wildest imagination. Has anyone ever experienced that with prayer intentions or goal setting? And so that's another reason for us. For us, I love it. There was Will Smith was interviewed once and they said you know, tell us about you, you've been a massive goal achieving machine. Tell us about that and he goes. I think one of the keys is knowing what you want.

Speaker 1:

By the way, will Smith is another one of the individuals that we studied very carefully when we're writing our book Master of Mindpower. He goes. I think you got to know what you want. Ultimately, he goes. You got to take massive action up front. By the way, we just hit two of the principles for success right there, and this was in an interview. And he goes.

Speaker 1:

But too many people get caught up on all of the rigmarole between the your action right now and what you want is an in step. And he goes. You know what he went. That's this quote unquote, so don't mean to offend anybody with his language, but he said everything between what you want and your massive action right now is none of your damn business. He goes. You leave that up to God. He goes because it'll always come back to you. He goes much bigger than your mind could even perceive. And, shane, I not only believe that, but we've seen that for ourselves and for many, many clients. So, so, so, so, so, so, so, so, so, so important. That's why, when people ask us, does it ever get boring? Heck, no, no, because we are saying this is what I don't want in my life and this is what I want. And at the same time we know for a fact that we can never perceive in our brain the magnitude that the blessing will come down from the heavens when it comes to the actual manifestation part.

Speaker 2:

So we're still surprised.

Speaker 1:

We're still surprised there's a nice element there so surprised yeah, so surprised so.

Speaker 2:

We believe in our confidence that it will work, yet we're always still surprised.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, so so just know it. Trust us, it never gets boring. So so the reality is, if you want to know if you are achieving what you want in life, you need to be on the constant lookout for it. This is why we spent so much time on mastering external awareness. Yeah, part of it is people, part of it is in your environment. Yeah, so you got to start being on the constant lookout for it.