The Mindpower Podcast with Stéph & Shay

Our Most Listened-to Episode of 2023

Stéphane & Shalee Schafeitel

Today, we're excited to bring back our most listened-to episode of 2023, called "These Stats Should Freak You Out." 

Ever felt like there's more out there for you? You're not alone. A huge 90% of us have felt the same. Success can sometimes feel distant and hard to grasp. Yet, the biggest barriers often lie within us. Think about big names like Steve Jobs or Michael Jordan. They faced challenges, but they pushed through with determination.

What's troubling, though, are the statistics we'll unveil in this episode. Many of us aren’t sure about our true purpose or what we're passionate about. This can lead to jobs or careers that don't feel quite right. And let’s not forget the stress of money; it's a real concern for many. 

But there’s good news! We’re here to help you find a clearer, brighter path. Dive into this episode for insights and tools to shift your perspective and get closer to your goals. 


Hey podcast listeners, Stéph & Shay here, inviting you to join us for a transformative virtual adventure like no other. Mark your calendars for February 6-8, 2025, and get ready to break through your mental and emotional barriers and maximize your potential at Mindpower Breakthrough!

This isn’t just an event; it’s a turning point in your life—a chance to overcome what’s been holding you back and step fully into your true potential, all from the comfort of your own space.

Curious to learn more? Dive deeper into what this life-changing journey entails and secure your spot by clicking here. Don’t miss out on this opportunity to transform your life. We’re excited to embark on this journey with you.

Your future self will thank you for this! See you there!

Speaker 1:

Hey, amazing listeners. This is Steph's AI voice. Pretty impressive, right. While we aren't quite at the peak of AI development, it's amazing how well it has developed in over a year. Imagine where it will be a few years from now. With that futuristic thought in mind, we're excited to bring back our most listened to episode of 2023, called these Stats Should Freak you Out, so, as the name suggests, this episode contains some alarming statistics and insights on how not to fall victim to them. As next year approaches, so will the challenges. Together, we can turn those challenges into opportunities. So listen in and let's get started.

Speaker 2:

Welcome to the Mind Power Podcast, a space where we're on a mission to positively impact your life by helping you increase your mental toughness and emotional resilience. To help you do so, here are your hosts and Mind Power coaches Steph and Shay. Why is it that you are not more successful than you are right now?

Speaker 1:

Obviously, we know many of you are successful, or you wouldn't be here with us today, right, right.

Speaker 2:

But let's be honest it's only a fraction of what you are really capable of. It's true, and it's affecting your health, your wealth and your overall quality of life.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, in general, most people right now are struggling. Right, let's dive into some sobering statistics. Let's get right into it.

Speaker 2:

Generally speaking, 90% of people will struggle in life.

Speaker 1:


Speaker 2:

So why do so many people struggle in life? Well, there are many reasons, including, but not limited to, these examples.

Speaker 1:

Money problems for one, relationship problems, issues with a family member or kids, personal growth and development challenges career problems, health challenges, diseases, fitness struggles, not feeling significant or not feeling good enough. Or mindset problems like lacking resilience or mental toughness, not feeling loved or not having love, or maybe some spirituality conflicts. Well, having coached thousands of people, specifically business leaders and high performers, over the last 15 years, three reasons stood out the most Okay.

Speaker 2:

Money, career and mindset.

Speaker 1:


Speaker 2:

With mindset being the most common one.

Speaker 1:

Yep. So let's talk about how having a negative or a disempowering mindset can cause you to struggle. First of all, think about your life. Has it been nice, has it been smooth? Has it been easy?

Speaker 2:

Has it been all rainbows and unicorns?

Speaker 1:

I have to tell you, our hardships and dysfunctional paths are the reason why we stand before you today as the very resilient and successful people that we are. See, most people are reluctant to explore their past and do the work necessary to find the silver lining to their hardships, and their heart aches right.

Speaker 2:

And that's exactly why they aren't resilient or successful because they're running from their demons.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, that's right. Listen rather than run from our demons to try to make them go away. We have to stop turn around and hug our demons, Then they'll go away.

Speaker 2:

Listen, your past didn't happen to you.

Speaker 1:

It happened for you. Understand this your hardships fuel your resilience, which fuels your success.

Speaker 2:

Yes, we must shift our perspective on the past to see it as not a collection of unhealable traumas, but as a source of growth and resilience.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, see, it's kind of like working out a muscle. Think about it in your body when you work out. You're literally tearing muscle fibers when you're working out and when it heals it comes back bigger and it comes back stronger, right? See, hardships also fueled resilience and success for some of the most successful people today. Look at Steve Jobs. He was fired from his own company, apple, right. Absolutely. Came back strong, right.

Speaker 2:

Unbelievable Over weight free. She grew up so poor that she wore potato sacks as her clothing.

Speaker 1:

Think about Tom Brady. He was a very, very, very, very late draft pick and they said that he was too slow, he didn't have the arm strength and he just he wasn't gonna make it in the NFL. Maybe it would be a second string or a third string quarterback.

Speaker 2:


Speaker 1:

One of the greats of all time said I'll show you. You think Michael Jordan right. He was literally demoted to junior varsity when he was in high school. He let that fuel him. He let that pain, adversity Drive him. Drive him so much so that when he was in the playoffs for the Chicago Bulls, he sent his private jet down to pick up that coach that demoted him and flew him up to the championship, so that he could say look at me now and thanks, thank you for that adversity, pain and rejection that you catalyzed. This is so, so, so important. All of these individuals. Sarah Blakely failed out of law school.

Speaker 2:

Coco Chanel. She was abandoned on the footsteps of an orphanage when she was a baby.

Speaker 1:

This is so important. See, we discovered these facts when doing the research for our book Master your Mindpower, which was a 12-year research project. We studied the thought patterns and behaviors of the most resilient and successful people in the world.

Speaker 2:

Many professional athletes, countless millionaires and billionaires and elite military personnel like the Navy, SEALs and the Army.

Speaker 1:

Rangers For some of the most elite military personnel in the whole country, right In the whole excuse me, the whole world, Absolutely so. That's one of the biggest reasons why most people struggle and very few actually succeed. They're not letting their hardships fuel the resilience and their success.

Speaker 2:

Nope, and that's all mindset, right? We're still talking about mindset problems that people have.

Speaker 1:

Yep, as we said earlier, a negative or disempowering mindset is the most common reason why people struggle. But wait, there's more on the mindset front.

Speaker 2:

Only 19% of people are fully satisfied with their life.

Speaker 1:

Their whole life.

Speaker 2:

Right. This is according to a study done by the CDC.

Speaker 1:

And only 21% have a clear sense of purpose, and that's just their purpose. Think about that. If we ask the same study group what their purpose is and their passions, the percentage would drop even more From 21%.

Speaker 2:

Then if we were to ask them if they knew what their three P's were, the percentage would drop even more.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, Three P's, by the way. Just so you understand one of our main concepts that we talk about in our community. Three P's are your principles, your passions and also your purpose, OK.

Speaker 2:

The lack of clarity on this trifecta, the three P's, is one of the main reasons why so many struggle and never succeed.

Speaker 1:


Speaker 2:

Now, this is still mindset right, yep, and it is also the reason why so many people have a problem with their career.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, check this out. 50% of workers are fully satisfied with their jobs.

Speaker 2:

That's it.

Speaker 1:


Speaker 2:

Why do you think that is? Yeah? Yeah, that's right, because they're doing something that is out of alignment with their three Ps Yep, their principles, their passion, their purpose.

Speaker 1:

Again. So just so you understand some basic concepts here purpose is where you're going, okay. Passion is how you're going to get there okay. And the principles are how you're going to behave on the journey, right. Your purpose is why you're here. Your passion is what ignites the cauldron within you. Your principles are what motivates you, or how you feel after you do something. This is so, so, so, so important to understand. Look, the three Ps are the blueprint to building your best life and the roadmap to your dream life.

Speaker 2:

Yes, see, we spend all of us human beings at least 50% of our waking life working. Yeah, so why? Why spend half of your life doing something that you don't love and that is not in alignment with your three Ps?

Speaker 1:

It just doesn't make any sense, does it, mm-hmm? I don't think so.

Speaker 2:

No, so it's one of the reasons why 35% of people in the world are chronically stressed every single day of their life. Yep, look, mental health is at an all-time low. Right now, people are more stressed, they're more overwhelmed and they're more scattered than ever, and especially since COVID.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, especially since COVID. Yeah, big shocker over 50% of people in the world reported being stressed at their jobs on a daily basis.

Speaker 2:

And now let's talk about money problems, which is the third reason why so many people struggle and fail to ever succeed. Yep, now, the next few stats pertain specifically to North America, and our research indicates that these trends are comparable or even more challenging in many other parts of the world.

Speaker 1:

Yep. 61% of employed North Americans are more stressed about their finances today than they were a year ago.

Speaker 2:

And they are experiencing the highest level of financial stress since the financial crisis of 2008.

Speaker 1:

Right the Great Recession. The average household income in North America is about $75,000.

Speaker 2:

And the average savings account balance for North American household varies widely, but many families have less than $10,000 in savings. Some reports suggest that a significant portion of North America have no savings at all or would be unable to cover unexpected expenses.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, speaking of the three most common unexpected expenses that cause financial strain are medical emergencies, car repairs or breakdowns and home repairs. Listen, most people are just one crisis away from financial catastrophe.

Speaker 2:

Seriously, and $10,000 in savings Really, that's nothing.

Speaker 1:

That's nothing. Listen, as Warren Buffett said, only when the tide goes out do you discover who's been swimming naked. We predict the next few years will be very, very revealing in the world.

Speaker 2:

Indeed. So now you know the three main reasons why so many people struggle and never succeed.

Speaker 1:

Listen, we are sick and tired of seeing so many people struggle, and if we have anything to say about it, we won't let anyone under our watch do anything other than succeed.

Speaker 2:

Nope, and the good news is there is another way.

Speaker 1:

Hey MindPower podcast listeners. It's Steph here. Inside this podcast, we've taken you on countless journeys of insight, reflection and transformation. We've spoken about releasing the things that hold us back, optimizing our health, making the most of our time, achieving our big F-ing goals and, most importantly, becoming the best version of ourselves. However, we feel like we can do more. So many people in the world are staying in unfulfilling jobs, living paycheck to paycheck and barely getting by and living in a place of fear, anger, doubt and no hope of things ever getting better. At a time when stress, overwhelm and scatterness are the new normal, people are seeking certainty, clarity and guidance more than ever. And who better to provide that than a trained MindPower coach? That's exactly why we invite you to join us for the MindPower Summit on December 19th at 1 pm Eastern. If you're looking to transform your passion into a lucrative coaching business, take back control of your financial future and help others regain their hope, then the MindPower Summit is your golden ticket. Register for free at MindPowerSummitcom. That's MindPowerSummitcom. We'll see you at the top.