The Mindpower Podcast with Stéph & Shay
The Mindpower Podcast with Stéph & Shay
Crushing Your Daily Goals and Challenges
Awaken your inner warrior each morning with the Morning Routine For Mental Toughness in today's insightful conversation. We delve into the transformative power of a morning routine that not only equips you with mental toughness but primes you for the day's goals and challenges.
P.S. For those of you juggling parenthood, we tackle real-world tips to mesh your routine with the morning chaos, ensuring you can still emerge with clarity and strength. It's about securing your well-being first, to be the pillar of support your loved ones rely on.
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It's super, super important to understand the importance of consistency in a routine. Now, some people call their morning routine everything they do, from waking up all the way to, let's say, work. This is specifically the part that would be in the meditation or the prayer or the breathing. It's more the self-care, self-starting, self-initiating, self-powering up part of your morning routine. And what do I mean by that? Yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah. There's a lot of other things that, shane, I recommend you should wake up and probably drink a half of a bottle of water, or if it's half the size of full bottle of water, I mean your body's dehydrated from sleeping for anywhere between six and eight hours, depending on how much you sleep. Yes, absolutely Wake up, drink water If you're waking up and you've got your special morning beverage, whether it's tea or coffee or juice, we do a go-go juice with a lot of amino acids and vitamins and whatnot.
Speaker 1:Fine, you get that. That's part of your morning routine Great. But then, at that point, this is where you would do the morning routine for mental toughness. This is what's going to build your inner resilience and build up your mental toughness so that you can handle everything and anything in the day. Super important Do not, at this point, touch your phone. Do not, at this point, look at your TV. At this point, I wouldn't look at your laptop. You're just fresh out of bed drinking your water, maybe any morning vitamins that you take, your morning beverage and then, literally, this is before you even engage with any technology.
Speaker 2:Yeah, you're still in a very pure state.
Speaker 1:Very, almost lucid.
Speaker 2:So to immediately grab the phone and go to that is going to just cabash any natural creative flow or juices or connection to your higher self that you have. You've now just connected to the worldwide web and it's gone.
Speaker 1:And here comes your cortisol. You don't even know what's happening. Cortisol is going through the roof and next thing you know you are priming your mind and your body for high levels of stress for the rest of the day. Listen, listen, listen. We've had parents take us to task and be like, well, wait till you have teenagers, okay, okay, okay, fine. Then you know if you're because we had somebody in a cohort one time say I want to wake up in the morning and just make sure that my teenagers are alive.
Speaker 1:And I was like, okay, let's tackle that from a couple of different angles. First of all, what are you focusing on? Remember? What do I want? Instead, you might want to say my teenagers are great, they're healthy, they're well. You might want to do this sort of self-talk rather than worrying if they're dead or alive, like, come on. Literally, this goes all the way back to module one, right? So so understand that I said fine, fine, fine, fine. You have a teenager, or maybe kids that are in college or whatever. If you feel like you need to look at your phone just to make sure that they're alive, to use this person's words, so be it, do it and have the self-discipline to immediately put it down, no message from them, it's okay. But also train your kids and that if there's anything that's emergent or whatnot, that they're going to reach out to you or whatever and it can be sorted in the moment, and then what'll end up happening is you'll realize I don't hear from them, then everything's okay. So you might need to retrain your environment here, but I would also venture to say make sure that you retrain yourself and you shift your focus and know that everything's okay.
Speaker 1:Also, by the way, news flash we're not talking about doing the morning routine for mental toughness an hour, hour and a half or two hours after your day starts. For us, it's within 15 minutes. Yeah, wake up out of bed. Water, we make our bed. Yes, we're that tight. We believe in making our bed immediately. It does. There's actually neuroscience behind it in terms of what it activates within your body good, clean dopamine. It already puts your mindset and your whole nervous system into a winning mode. It's an easy win, and it's an easy win. It takes you less than on average, probably about two to three minutes. So, wake up, water, make our bed, take our morning vitamins and literally we're getting our morning beverage, which we call it go-go juice and then we're immediately doing the morning routine for mental toughness.
Speaker 1:Why am I saying that? Because the reality is probably you're going to be in a better state even if there is something happening with your kids After your morning routine. Then waking up and going to your phone and then the cortisol shoots up and you have got no mental toughness or emotional resilience to deal with something that might be a crisis with your kids. So I gave you one way you can do it if you absolutely feel like you have to check the moment you wake up. And I still suggest and would urge you to take care of yourself first. We've been hearing this from the airline since we were flying, as kids Put the oxygen mask where On yourself first before helping others. The morning routine for mental toughness is putting the oxygen mask on you, so it helps you help yourself so you can be better for everyone around you.
Speaker 1:Exactly we recommend still do your morning routine, get into the morning routine of mental toughness, do it quick, get into a centered state of being and then after that, if you feel like you have to, maybe check your phone to make sure your quote unquote kids are alive. Ok, we get it. We're parents, so we understand and we want you to make sure you're taking care of yourself first. I will tell you that what we do after doing the morning routine for mental toughness, we immediately go into fitness. Still haven't touched our phone. That's us. Still haven't touched our phone, except for audio to listen to while we're working out. That's us. Then, after our workout, we like to shower and shave and then we open ourselves up to the world.
Speaker 2:That's it and all of that too.
Speaker 1:That's us, that's what we do.
Speaker 2:Maybe an hour, right, but if you're going to have your own morning routine and you can stack on a bunch of things, whatever works for you, but the morning routine for mental toughness it's nine minutes, it's not this one hour long thing, because what we find with the longer a routine, gets Like an hour of power, the holy hour, the magical hour, all that stuff. They're great.
Speaker 1:People don't do them.
Speaker 2:People don't get consistent with them because it's one hour, and so they think, oh, do I have time for that hour? Now, all you have to think is do I have time for nine minutes? Yes, just go do it, and you can even do it quicker.
Speaker 1:This morning I did the morning routine for mental toughness in six minutes and it's not a race. Let me be clear. I'm not racing. I did it intentionally and purposefully, but it only took me six minutes. So here's the deal. Let us explain a little bit of science here. So we're going to throw some neuroscience at you. According to 21 Day Hero, a morning routine reduces stress levels, it improves mental toughness and it can actually improve sleep quality in your energy levels Super important.
Speaker 2:And the UCLA Mindfulness Awareness Research Center says feeling grateful and appreciating others right Gratitude is a part of the morning routine, and appreciating others when someone else does something good for us, it triggers the good hormones and regulates effective functioning of the immune system.
Speaker 1:Still not convinced. Elon Musk says it best right, super, super, super successful, super wealthy and super transformative. Universe denture and world changer says if you get up in the morning and think the future is going to be better, it is a bright day. Otherwise it is not. Simply put, said by the man himself, mr Musk, and here we're going to break it down for you. Here's the neuroscience that we promised, and if you're a no-taker, I'd write this down so that it will install within you what it is that's happening, so that it will give you a little bit of why do I do this and why should I keep doing it. You start with the breathing. Ok, it's a breath from the far east called Kabla Bhakti Pranayama, the skull-shining breath. This isn't just about breathing, folks. This is about nitric oxide production when you go in and out through your nose. By the way, no mouth.
Speaker 2:All nose.
Speaker 1:All nose why? There's microfilaments inside the nasal cavity that, literally, when the air brushes up against it, triggers nitric oxide production, dumps it into your bloodstream, which wakes up the mind and it wakes up the body. Neuroscience folks Free nitric oxide. There's people who pay hundreds of dollars a month to increase their nitric oxide in their body. With supplementation you can start it off in the morning. For free Air, air.
Speaker 2:Free.
Speaker 1:Do it as fast or slow as you want. I go pretty fast.
Speaker 2:Yeah, find what works for you.
Speaker 1:But I've been doing this for years. So, shayna, I have a lot of experience with breath work. So it wakes up the mind, it wakes up the body. Bing, how many of you doing 30 repetitions of Kabla Bhattipraniyama. It woke you up. More than a cup of coffee or tea has ever woken you up. It literally woke you up.
Speaker 2:Yeah.
Speaker 1:A lot of people don't know in Hawaii. Who's ever heard of the term? Howly, howly? The Hawaiians call the mainlanders the white folks. Right, really, it's not just white folks, it's anyone from the mainland. Actually, it has nothing to do with the mainland. Ha means breath, oli means without. So Howly are the people who have no breath? It's the direct translation. We know Kashayna. I studied a lot when we were developing Running Parachute Release, the Hawaiian forgiveness process called Opanoponos. We learned a lot about shamanism and healing as it relates to mind work and breath work and whatnot to stimulate healing in the body. And so Howly means man without breath? Because the Hawaiians in the ancient days would breathe together before they would talk.
Speaker 2:Before they would get together for a conflict resolution or just any type of get-together-to-talk, they would breathe together in sync for up to six hours.
Speaker 1:Wait how many hours? Six, Six hours of breathing. Then they would talk True story. We talk about this in the power of breathing as it relates to rapport at the Mind Power Coaching Academy, why you've got a master breath, work and breathing alongside your kids, your family members, your spouse, your clients, your employees, your team members, so that you can build a deeper rapport with them. So, so, so important, so, okay, number one so breathing wakes up the mind, wakes up the body. Now you go into gratitude. You go into gratitude.
Speaker 2:You feel good. You get all the feeling good hormones dumped into your body.
Speaker 1:This is, this is this is science, folks.
Speaker 2:So dopamine serotonin and dorphins.
Speaker 1:Dorphins just dumps into the bloodstream. By the way, serotonin is important for melatonin production. This is why gratitude, people who act you know they, they practice a lot of gratitude sleep better because serotonin is the precursor to melatonin. You can tell, shane, I've done a lot of studying about not just the mind, but mind, body and also body Super, super, super important. It's a holistic unit. Mind power is not just about mind. Mind power is about spiritual, mental, emotional and physical. So it's a goal Wholeness, wholeness and success. And so so we dump all these positive feeling good chemicals and hormones into our bloodstream. Now it's a great time to set goals.
Speaker 2:Yeah, can you imagine waking up on the wrong side of the bed and going to set your goals for the day? Well, that's what most people are doing, or not doing, because they don't feel good, they're grumpy. So why would you want to set goals? If you're grumpy, so then most people don't, so then that's why they're wandering aimlessly in life, not knowing where they're going and not getting what they want. So do it in this order. A lot of people will ask is it important the order in which you do it? 100%.
Speaker 2:It's always breathing times three, gratitude times three and then goals times three. That will set you up. So by the time you get to your goals, you are now in a possibility mindset and you're thinking okay, what am I going to go accomplish today, this week, this month, this year? And you do the three and then you're done and you're off to go accomplish it.
Speaker 1:Your three goals might even line up with your three MBPs. Did anyone come to that idea that, possibly your three goals for the day? By the way, they don't have to, but some people that just love for things to line up, that's fine. You can do that. The three major things I want to accomplish today are my three MBPs. And see it, hear it, feel it, smell it, taste it, think about it happening. Remember the late Kobe Bryant. See the ball going through the net, hearing the crowd erupt, feeling confidence in a level of fulfillment, smelling body odor on the court, tasting salt on his upper lip and saying nothing but net. See how quick I went through the VAKOGAD. The picture sounds, feelings, smells, tastes, self-talk.
Speaker 2:We do this every single day.
Speaker 1:Every morning for our three things.
Speaker 2:It's your choice.
Speaker 1:Pick whatever three goals come up so important. So now you're activated.
Speaker 2:Literally.
Speaker 1:Literally.
Speaker 2:You've primed your mind and your body with the breathing, and now in the gratitude and the goals, and now you're ready to go.
Speaker 1:There should be no excuse Like, literally, if you don't have nine minutes, you don't have a life. If you've got to get up early for your kids or whatever, then make sure you wake up 10 minutes before they wake up. Kids are, by the way, much more regimented than we are usually as adults. Who's noticed that? Usually a lot more regimented because it's unconscious, it's conditioned reflexes, it's just psychology. So if you can figure out about when they wake up, just wake up 10 minutes before so you never have to go a day without it. Ok, mark our words. If you do this every single day and you miss a day, you will feel it.
Speaker 2:Yeah, it happens, happens, drift happens.
Speaker 1:Drift happens, you just get back on. Don't worry about the days you miss, just get back on.
Speaker 2:Yeah, but it's happened to us as well and it's evident. It's evident when it happens and we say nope, got to get back on it Right away.
Speaker 1:So that's the morning routine.